Determines whether or not the entry is watched.
Private helper function for FileSystemEntry.visit that requires sanitized options.
Check to see if the entry exists on disk. Note that there will NOT be an error returned if the file does not exist on the disk; in that case the error parameter will be null and the boolean will be false. The error parameter will only be truthy when an unexpected error was encountered during the test, in which case the state of the entry should be considered unknown.
Move this entry to the trash. If the underlying file system doesn't support move to trash, the item is permanently deleted.
Rename this entry.
Returns the stats for the entry.
Permanently delete this entry. For Directories, this will delete the directory and all of its contents. For reversible delete, see moveToTrash().
Visit this entry and its descendents with the supplied visitor function. Correctly handles symbolic link cycles and options can be provided to limit search depth and total number of entries visited. No particular traversal order is guaranteed; instead of relying on such an order, it is preferable to use the visit function to build a list of visited entries, sort those entries as desired, and then process them. Whenever possible, deep filesystem traversals should use this method.