

Set of utilites for working with files and text content.

Variables Summary

Functions Summary


Public API


Public API




Public API

deprecated canonicalizeFolderPath

Warning: Contrary to the name, this does NOT return a canonical path. The canonical format used by Directory.fullPath actually DOES include the trailing "/"

path string
Returns: string
Public API


Compares 2 filenames in lowercases. In Windows it compares the names without the extension first and then the extensions to fix issue #4409

filename1 string
filename2 string
extFirst boolean
If true it compares the extensions first and then the file names.
Returns: number
The result of the local compare function
Public API


Convert a URI path to a native path. On both platforms, this unescapes the URI On windows, URI paths start with a "/", but have a drive letter ("C:"). In this case, remove the initial "/".

path non-nullable string
Returns: string
Public API


Converts filename to be available in Windows

filename string
Filename to be converted available in Windows
Returns: string
forbidden chars were replaced by "_"
Public API


Convert a Windows-native path to use Unix style slashes. On Windows, this converts "C:\foo\bar\baz.txt" to "C:/foo/bar/baz.txt". On Mac, this does nothing, since Mac paths are already in Unix syntax. (Note that this does not add an initial forward-slash. Internally, our APIs generally use the "C:/foo/bar/baz.txt" style for "native" paths.)

path string
A native-style path.
Returns: string
A Unix-style path.


Although this app is generally standardized on folder paths with a trailing "/", some APIs here receive project paths without "/" due to legacy preference storage formats, etc.

fullPath non-nullable string
Path that may or may not end in "/"
Returns: !string
Path that ends in "/"
Public API


Returns the full path to the application directory.

Returns: !string
fullPath reference
Public API


Get the name of a file or a directory, removing any preceding path.

fullPath string
full path to a file or directory
Returns: string
Returns the base name of a file or the name of a directory
Public API


Get the parent directory of a file. If a directory is passed in the directory is returned.

fullPath string
full path to a file or directory
Returns: string
Returns the path to the parent directory of a file or the path of a directory, including trailing "/"
Public API


Get the file extension (excluding ".") given a path OR a bare filename. Returns "" for names with no extension. If the name starts with ".", the full remaining text is considered the extension.

fullPath string
full path to a file or directory
Returns: string
Returns the extension of a filename or empty string if the argument is a directory or a filename with no extension
Public API


Returns a native absolute path to the application source directory. Note that this only works when run in /src/index.html, so it does not work for unit tests (which is run from /test/SpecRunner.html)

WARNING: unlike most paths, this path EXCLUDES the trailing "/".

Returns: string
Public API


Given the module object passed to JS module define function, convert the path to a native absolute path. Returns a native absolute path to the module folder.

WARNING: unlike most paths, this path EXCLUDES the trailing "/".

Returns: string
Public API


Returns the standard line endings for the current platform

Public API


Computes filename as relative to the basePath. For example: basePath: /foo/bar/, filename: /foo/bar/baz.txt returns: baz.txt

The net effect is that the common prefix is stripped away. If basePath is not a prefix of filename, then undefined is returned.

basePath string
Path against which we're computing the relative path
filename string
Full path to the file for which we are computing a relative path
Returns: string
relative path
Public API


Determine if file extension is a server html file extension.

filePath string
could be a path, a file name or just a file extension
Returns: boolean
Returns true if fileExt is in the list
Public API


Determine if file extension is a static html file extension.

filePath string
could be a path, a file name or just a file extension
Returns: boolean
Returns true if fileExt is in the list
Public API


Asynchronously reads a file as UTF-8 encoded text.

file non-nullable File
File to read
Returns: $.Promise
a jQuery promise that will be resolved with the file's text content plus its timestamp, or rejected with a FileSystemError string constant if the file can not be read.
Public API


Scans the first 1000 chars of the text to determine how it encodes line endings. Returns null if usage is mixed or if no line endings found.

text non-nullable string
Public API


Removes the trailing slash from a path, if it has one. Warning: this differs from the format of most paths! Use paths ending in "/" normally, as this is the format used by Directory.fullPath.

path string
Returns: string
Public API


Translates any line ending types in the given text to the be the single form specified

text non-nullable string
Returns: string
Public API


Asynchronously writes a file as UTF-8 encoded text.

file non-nullable File
File to write
text non-nullable string
allowBlindWrite optional boolean
Indicates whether or not CONTENTS_MODIFIED errors---which can be triggered if the actual file contents differ from the FileSystem's last-known contents---should be ignored.
Returns: $.Promise
a jQuery promise that will be resolved when file writing completes, or rejected with a FileSystemError string constant.