Add an item to a particular array field of an element.
Add a model element
Add a model element and a view element.
Add view elements.
Delete elements.
Layout diagram
Reorder an item of array field of an element to index + 1.
Move a parasitic view.
Reorder an item of array field of an element to index - 1.
Move views by changing their container view.
Reconnect an end (head-side or tail-side) of edge view to new element.
Relocate an element to a new owner (parent).
Remove an item from a particular array field of an element.
Resize a node view.
Change autoResize of node views.
Set value to a property of multiple elements
Change fill color of views.
Change font of views.
Change font color of views.
Change line color of views.
Change lineStyle of edge views.
Set values to multiple properties of an elements.